The question of what happens if celiac disease disrupts the gluten-free diet is frequently asked by people with this disease. What is gluten? We also answered questions such as how there is a difference between eating gluten-free foods and what are the harms.
What Happens If Celiac Patient Breaks Gluten-Free Diet
If the celiac patient breaks the gluten-free diet, his health gradually deteriorates. Celiac disease is commonly known as grain, wheat allergy. In fact, the basis of this is the gluten substance, which is found in such foods, which has a sticky and gummy properties. Because in celiac disease, when gluten enters the body, it is met with a reaction by the defense mechanism, which causes deterioration of the intestines. As a result of these deteriorations, the intestines cannot function as they should and prevent the body from receiving the nutrients it needs. When our body does not get the nutrients it needs, the general health condition begins to deteriorate. Therefore, celiac patients should continue the gluten-free diet without interruption in order to stay healthy.
Celiac Patient's Gluten-Free Life
Celiac disease is a patient with an allergic body who has to live gluten-free. Thanks to the development of medical data and research techniques in today's conditions, we can say that celiac disease has ceased to be fatal. In addition, factors such as increased knowledge level, increased gluten-free food production and government support also play a very important role in the healthier and happier lives of celiac patients.
Why Celiac Patients Need a Gluten-Free Diet More Today
Gluten is a protein naturally found in cereals such as barley, wheat and rye. The grains counted are the most basic food sources in arid and semi-arid climate regions and their usage rates vary according to the economic situation of the countries. In poorer countries, more grain-based nutrition is at the forefront, while in high-welfare countries, this rate gradually decreases.
Another and important reason why the gluten problem occurs more today is that over time, the production of cereals with high gluten content is selected and emphasized. This choice was not made fully consciously, of course. Because as the gluten content increases, so does the quality and flexibility of the dough. This has become a preferred feature of everyone from housewives to manufacturers. Therefore, the production of wheat that gives this quality has been given more weight.
Gluten-Induced Diseases
Gluten is not just a substance that celiac patients should avoid. Because research has shown that even in healthy people, when consumed gluten, they are more likely to develop heart disease, type-2 diabetes and colon cancer. As it can be seen, the diseases caused by gluten require even those who do not have celiac disease to stay away from it. Gluten, which is quite harmful for celiac patients, is also more harmful for those with wheat allergies and sensitive bodies with gluten sensitivity.
What are the Symptoms of Celiac Harvest?
The symptoms of celiac disease are listed below. If you have some or all of these ailments, be sure to go to a doctor and get tested. Here are the symptoms of celiac:
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Acid reflux
- Fatigue
- Some people report mood swings, such as feelings of depression. Others do not experience any obvious symptoms in the short term.
Keep in mind that you may have celiac disease even if you do not experience any of the above symptoms.
What Happens If Celiac Patient Breaks Gluten-Free Diet and No Cure?
Celiac disease may experience serious long-term health problems if it breaks the gluten-free diet and there is no cure. Eg:
- Anemia, i.e. anemia, occurs
- Infertility and similar problems may occur
- Vitamin deficiencies begin to appear
- Neural and neurological problems may occur
Celiac disease is also often associated with other immune system problems, so a person with celiac disease has a higher risk of developing a simultaneous disorder that attacks the immune system.
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