Medicinal herbs that can be grown in pots stand out as both a source of entertainment and healing in our country as in most of the world. Gardening is also a relaxing hobby that you can continue to enjoy throughout the year, depending on your location. For those who do not have the opportunity to garden outside, we have compiled for you the medicinal herbs and benefits that can be grown at home.
What are Medicinal Herbs That Can Be Grown in Pots?
Medicinal herbs and botanicals are plants grown to support specific ailments and symptoms. Below you will be able to find medicinal plants that can easily grow in pots with their benefits in the form of heads:
Does Lavender Grow in Pots?
Lavender is a plant that can be used for many things, but is mostly preferred for anxiety and stress. It has not only mood-enhancing benefits, but also a heart-warming aroma and a beautiful appearance in dark purple color. Traditionally, lavender is used to treat loosening and infection, burns and bites. However, available evidence has shown that lavender oil has mood-stabilizing, soothing and neuroprotective properties.
Here are some tips to help you grow lavender in pots:
- Spring is ideal for planting lavender. However, lavender can be planted in the autumn season.
- The extremely humid and wet environment does not like lavender. Water once to twice a week after the plants begin to rise above the soil.
- If you decide to grow your lavender indoors, keep it close with windows that get a good amount of light.
- After lavender blooms about 50% of the flower buds, it is time to cut the stems.
Now that you have fresh lavender, you can use fresh or dried buds for your medical needs related to stress or mood:
- For a relaxing aromatic experience, you can add your fresh buds to a warm bath or wrap your lavender stalks and place fresh bunches around the house.
- You can also hang bunches of fresh lavender upside down and dry them to make tea.
- Dried (even fresh) lavender pouches can be used around the house and in your bedroom.
- For better sleep, you can put your homemade lavender bag on your pillow or bed.
- You can also use your dried lavender buds to brew a loose-leaved tea that calms the body.
Potted Medicinal Herbs: Mint
Mint is a refreshing plant that can be used to cleanse the body, revive it and repel insects. Mint is also used to reduce stomach problems and gas, calm the mind and bring sleep. The peppermint plant is easy to grow and its aroma is a durable, fuzzy plant that will wake you up. This bright green plant is delicious and can be used in desserts, salads and vegetable dishes.
To successfully grow mint in a pot at home, follow these tips:
- Mint does not grow easily from seed, so it is best to buy mint plants for a start.
- If you are planting mint at any time of the year, be sure to protect your plant in cold climates.
- Mint grows best in soil, which has good drainage and is a little mompy.
- Mint grows and spreads over time, so be careful not to take too many mint seedlings if you do not plan to use a lot of mint in the first place.
- When your mint leaves grow, pluck a few and use them by thoroughly cleaning them.
Here are some uses of mint:
- After intensive work, you can use mint leaves for an invigorating bath.
- If you chop the mint leaves and mix them with witch nuts, you can get a skin-stretching cream.
- If you are experiencing digestive discomfort, boil your mint leaves in water and make a tea.
- According to studies, mint can relieve stomach discomfort, so you can drink mint tea after a meal for digestive support.
- Even better, if there is now mint tea, store it in the refrigerator and use it to remove sunburn.
Does Rosemary Grow in Pots?
Rosemary is a safe option for new plant growers. Simultaneously it has a unique flavor and smell, which is almost sweet and salty. Rosemary is one of the most popular culinary plants in the world, but it is also medically used for its antibacterial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. However, rosemary is most commonly praised for its positive effect on the brain. Rosemary has been shown to improve memory, reduce anxiety and improve sleep when taken orally. Even when inhaled, rosemary has also been shown to increase memory.
Rosemary grows easily if you follow these tips:
- To prevent water saturation and promote growth, you can sprout rosemary seeds on soils that do not accumulate water.
- Rosemary grows better in sun-drenityded places.
- Rosemary can grow and spread over a wide area, so you can choose to use a large pot.
- Water your rosemary lightly and evenly and prune frequently.
- If you want to grow rosemary in winter, keep the plant in a closed area near a good light source.
- When you are ready to harvest, cut the stems and use them immediately or leave them to dry.
Use rosemary in the following ways:
Add your rosemary sprigs to a saucepan and bring to the boil for a delicious tea. Consuming 1 cup of rosemary tea at the beginning of your fame will keep you alive and fit. You can also take advantage of the benefits by inhaling the smell of rosemary by placing fresh bundles around your house.
Potted Medicinal Herbs Last Word
If you are ready to grow medicinal herbs in pots, start with a few small pots without rushing. It will be easier and effortless to grow plants in the pot in spring and summer, especially as the air temperature rises and the sun stays out longer. Don't forget to take these medicinal herbs, which you can grow on your balcony in front of glass in spring and summer, to a warm, sun-drened place in the house when the weather starts to cool. If you wish, you can also read our article What are Mosquito Repellent Vegetable Oils and Mixtures, How to Prepare Them.
What Medicinal Plants Grow in Pots?
:- Lavende
r,- Basil,
- Mint,
- Rosemary...