How to pass the postpartum cracks Ibrahim Saraçoglu has made suggestions in a vegetative way, we have compiled the answers that can be given to questions such as what suggestions.
With the pregnancy rush and the excitement experienced, many problems are actually ignored. Expectant mothers who examine their body towards the end of their pregnancy are eagerly awaiting the shape of their body after birth. The most commonly complained about issue of women after childbirth are the cracks that occur. Is there a cure for cracks? Can it be prevented? Can the progression of the cracks be stopped? Such questions cause concerns.
In Which Regions Postpartum Cracks Occur
Although during pregnancy, the abdomen and surrounding area although crack formation is expected, it is often also serious around the hips, chest and arms cracks are formed. The most important reason for this condition is only pregnancy it is not the excess weight gained during the time, but the lack of calcium. Calcium deficiency and the elastic fibers on the skin deteriorate and white marks appear. This situation it is called crack. Postpartum cracks How to get ahead of Ibrahim Saraçoglu with healthy eating The moisture of the skin is also very important for the cracks you can pass through, he says. Log if you have difficulty reaching the amount of fluid that needs to be taken, you can pay attention to the fact that nutrients contain liquids.
How To Pass Postpartum Cracks Ibrahim Saraçoglu Recommendations
Professor Dr. Ibrahim Saraçoglu makes golden recommendations for postpartum cracks, which are women's fearful dreams.
- Weight gain should be taken care of.
- It's the third time of pregnancy. With the end of the month, genuine almond oil should be used
- Almond oil should be used regularly without interruption.
- It is possible to stop the progression of cracks formed by the use of almond oil, which will occur at the end of pregnancy instead of at the beginning.
- The largest mineral that babies consume in the body is calcium. With the decrease of calcium, the skin weakens, loses its elasticity and cracks.
- Plastic surgery does not yet have an invention that will completely destroy the formation of cracks
- Leeks and broccoli should be consumed along with almond oil. These nutrients are a storehouse of calcium.
- It would be a mistake to rely solely on almond oil. All your deficiencies should be determined by contacting your doctor, and the formation of cracks should be prevented in the first stages with supporting products such as almond oil.
- It is not possible to remove permanent cracks with herbal means.
- There is nothing that can be done for long-term cracks that have been placed.
- Almond oil should be taken from pharmacies or transfers. Unknown brands and sellers should not be respected.
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