Why Do Recovering People Test Positive For Covid-19 Again?

The question of why the Covid-19 test is positive again in those who recover has been raised in recent days with the news of those who have returned positive results after recovering from the disease. There have been cases in many countries, not only in Turkey, where patients have tested positive for COVID 19 after completely recovering from the disease. In such cases, some of these patients have been quarantined again. But why is this happening? There's an explanation for science.

Why Do Recovering People Test Positive For Covid-19 Again?

According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, patients who are clinically recovering should test twice for corona virus. A person's exposure to a new type of corona virus can be detected by two methods - by testing the presence of the virus in the body or by the presence of antibodies released by our body to fight the virus. The second test is also called fast or serological test. It is used only a week after a person is infected with the virus. This is the time the body needs to produce antibodies that later appear in our blood samples.

Therefore, if a person is tested for antibody testing at any time before the incubation period, the test results are likely to be negative. Serological tests are useful for conducting tests on a large scale and evaluating the spread of the disease in a cluster or community. The results are useful in designing models to evaluate the trajectory of proliferation.

Why Do Some Patients Test Positive For Covid-19 Again After Surviving the Disease?

If there's a dead virus in the collected sample, it could be this one. The pathogen cannot be cultured inside the laboratories, but the test can indicate its presence on the bar collected for examination. Therefore, the patient can give a negative test in the second week of the disease and then give a positive test again.

RT-PCR test

The WHO, on the other hand, recommends the Reverse Transcripttase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), the most commonly used verifier test for identifying COVID-19 cases. This test reads the presence of RNA in sputum or swabs taken from the nose, throat or lower respiratory organ to determine whether a patient is a carrier. RT-PCR is a more precise test, since when detecting the virus, nucleic acid is amplified many times to detect the presence of microbes. Detection within the first week is better done using RT-PCR testing. However, sometimes, this test may not detect the presence of the virus. Rt-PCR testing can give incorrect results for three out of 10 patients. What is good for coronavirus if you wish? You can also read the article Medicines for Covid-19 at home, Natural Herbal Treatment.
