What is ICE FUE Hair Transplantation Method, How Long Is It Done?

What is ICE FUE hair transplantation method, how long does this hair transplantation technique take, we give answers to the questions in this article. Follicular Unit Extraction is an application method that collects hair follicles with FUE hair transplantation method consisting of the initial letters of the words and performs transplantation in a short period of time. Thanks to this method, both grooving and root transplantation are carried out together. Hair transplantation is performed with this application, which can be done very differently through follicular unit extraction method. It is a method that has been accepted quite quickly since the first day it was developed. Follicular Unit Extraction, which is an adopted method, has many benefits.

ICE FUE Hair Transplantation Method (Follicular Unit Extraction) Application Technique

This method of application is carried out in three stages. First stage, collection of tissues (Grafts) on the area where the hair is removed in hair transplantation Creates. The second stage is the opening of channels for planting on the skin. The final stage is the transplantation of the resulting hair follicles.

In hair transplantation, grafts meaning tissues on the area where the hair is removed are collected. At the end of the collection, in a very short time measured in seconds and at the same time, both the channels are opened and the hair follicle is inserted. In other normal application methods, these operations are performed twice and in separate applications in one fell swond.

Details of ICE FUE Method

A locally styled anesthetic to the area where the hair will be taken Applies. The roots located in the area where the hair on the skin will be taken are they are both loosened by means of the device and then taken individually. You can't get some tissue in the collected hair follicles and since the hair follicles are therefore, it is subjected to a small separation process. Then you're ready for planting. will be brought in. The follicular unit extraction method has a since it has no problems, the roots to be prepared are called IMPLANTS one by one is placed through known medical devices. Without waiting planting is also started.

Qualified specialist physician roots into the scalp Places. Thanks to its special design, its structure is quite thin and pointed thanks to the implant tool, the hair follicles with the most ideal shape has the ability to place. Hair follicles with the competent hand of the physician are an admissive shape and angle to the skin. Through this device, you can the pressed roots are well placed inside the skin of the head. On the one hand, the physician while performing the transplantation process, on the other hand, the decompoted hair follicles is placed in a pen. Thus, the waiting times of the roots are minimized it will be reduced. Lowest thanks to follicular unit extraction application very fast on the skin of the hair to be transplanted in order to be damaged a healing process occurs.

Benefits of Follicular Unit Extraction Application

Thanks to this method, a very frequent transplantation can be done thanks to the hair transplantation to be performed. Frequent planting also causes it to acquire a natural appearance. Thanks to the method, the loss of the hair follicle is minimized both during transplantation and because the roots wait in a very short time. Since it makes it easy to give both angle and direction through the pen where the hair is planted, it can shape the angles of the hair follicles to be planted much more easily. Thanks to this method, which gives the chance of direct transplantation to the area of need without causing any damage to the existing hair in the head, it provides the advantage of being able to transplant even in people whose hair has not been completely shed. During transplantation, a hole the size of the root of the hair is drilled. The operation is overcome with minimal waste.

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Hair transplantation on wiki: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sa%C3%A7_nakli