Hünnap is a very rich fruit in terms of its benefits and diseases that it is good for. This small round beam is found in large and large, flowering shrubs or medium-sized trees. When it becomes edible, it is colored in dark shades of purple or red and slightly wrinkled. In alternative medicine, they are widely used to improve sleep and reduce anxiety.
Hünnap Benefits, Calories and Good Diseases
Hünnap does not stop counting the benefits, and the hünnap fruit has a low calorie structure that follows the diets in terms of calories, on the other hand it has a very effective content in terms of mineral, vitamin and fibrous structure. The vitamins and minerals found in 100 grams of raw hünnap fruit are as follows:
- Calorie value: up to 79 kcal can provide energy.
- Protein ratio: up to 1 gram contains protein.
- Amount of fat: 0 grams, i.e. none contains a small amount of fat.
- Carbohydrate ratio: up to 20 grams contains a source of carbohydrates.
- Fiber capacity: up to 10 grams it contains fibrous tissue.
- Vitamin C content: Your daily need It has 77% vitamin C.
- Potassium content: % of your daily need It contains as much as 5 potassium.
High fiber content and low calories it can be preferred in slimming and various diets due to it. A small amount they contain vitamins and minerals, but do not cause antioxidants and immune system vitamin C, a valuable vitamin that has strengthening effects they are especially rich in their care.
Hünnap Benefits Especially In Vitamin C Shows
They also have enough potassium, which plays a vital role in muscle control and electrolyte balance. On the other hand, hunnap contains carbohydrates in the form of natural sugar, which provides energy to your body. In addition, the hunnap nuts, which are used more in food and desserts in many regions, have much higher content than those that are fresh in terms of sugar and calories. During drying, the sugars in the fruits become dense and additional sugar can be put during processing. In summary, hünnap fruits are low in calories and high in fiber. They also offer a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium.
Hünnap Benefits In Substances
The benefits of hunnap are briefly as follows in substances:
- It is useful for the digestive system, used as a solution to constipation.
- It is a natural remedy that will be used by those who have insomnia problems.
- It also acts as a natural antidepressant drug to reduce stersi and obsessions.
- It's very beneficial to the liver.
- Hünnap fruits have been preferred in natural treatment processes for hundreds of years in order to treat health problems such as anxiety disorder and sleep problems in a herbal way.
- The benefits of hunnap also apply to the nervous, immune and digestive systems.
- The antioxidant is quite high inside. Antioxidants are compounds that prevent and reverse problems caused by substances called free radicals.
- Hünnap; It has a strong content in the care of many antioxidant substances, especially polyscarites, flavonoites and triterpenic acids.
- It's a storehouse of vitamin C.
- It is thought to be effective in eliminating the damage caused by free radicals and reducing the risk of many chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.
- Due to the effects of combating free radicals, antioxidants in hünnap fruit can offer many health benefits. An experimental study of animals found that the antioxidant activity of flavonoids in hunnap fruits helps reduce inflammation and stress caused by free radical damage to the liver.
Hünnap Benefits Are Good for Brain Function
In addition, animal and test tube experiments have concluded that the human fruit will increase memory strength and reduce the effects of nerve-damaging compounds that occur in brain cells. Research in mice suggests that the hunnap nucleus can be useful in improving forgetfulness and Alzheimer's-induced dementia. On the other hand, the seeds of the hünnap fruit, that is, the seeds, are usually not eaten. More studies are needed to fully understand how the essence of hunnap can affect your brain and nervous system.
Hünnap Fruit Sleep And Brain Functions Can improve
Hünnap is used in natural treatment methods to improve sleep quality and brain function. Various recent experiments indicate that antioxidants specific to the hünnap fruit can be held responsible for these benefits.Hünnap fruit extracts were also found to improve sleep duration and quality in mice. On the other hand, hünnap is often recommended by natural treatment specialists to reduce anxiety.
Benefits of Hünnap Fruit to the Digestive System
Hunnap's high fiber content can contribute to making the digestive system healthier. About 50% of carbohydrates in fruits come from fibers, which are known for their beneficial digestive effects. This food increases the softness and fluidity of the stool. As a result, it increases the flow rate of food found in the intestines and eliminates the effect of constipation. In fact, the extracts of the hunnap fruit also play an effective role in the healthier walls of your stomach and intestines. Ulcers reduce the risk of damage to the stomach, intestinal wall and reduce the risk of reproduction of harmful bacteria that may be present in your intestines. One study concluded that hunnap polyscarit extracts have an effect on colitis, which improves digestive symptoms, strengthening the intestinal linings of rats. Finally, fiber in the hunnap can serve as food for your beneficial gut bacteria and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
Hunnap Fruit May Increase Immunity And Cancer Can Fight Against Cells
Hunnap can increase immunity and fight the growth of cancer cells. In an experiment with test tubes, it was found that hünnap fruit polysaccharides, which have natural sugars with antioxidant effects, can prevent free radicals, render harmful and genetically impaired cells inoperable and reduce the effects of problems such as inflammation.
Diabetes in Diseases Where The Hunk Is Good
Declining inflammation and free radical rates are also thought to help prevent chronic conditions and sugar problems such as type 2 diabetes. In another study, it was found that hump fruit lignins, which contain antioxidant effects, raise the level of immune system cells and increase the capacity of these cells to destroy negative effects. In a mouse experiment, it was also found that the essence of hünnap fruit increased the number of immune cells that help destroy cells that multiply excessively and irregularly.
Hünnap Cancer Fighting C Citami Warehouse
Hünnap fruit also has a rich content in vitamin C. A rat trial has shown that high doses of vitamin C destroy thyroid cancer cells. In addition, test tube studies have shown that hunnap extracts destroy various cancer cells such as breast, ovarian, cervix, colon, liver and skin cancer.
Researchers believe these benefits are primarily the result of antioxidant compounds in fruits. Nevertheless, most of these studies were carried out in animals or test tubes, so more research needs to be done in humans before any definitive conclusions can be drawn.
How to Defeat Hünnap?
Although hünnap dry is mostly used in desserts, they can also be eaten alone as a snack. However, when the hünnap fruit is dried, there is an increase in the amount of energy per gram, which may make it mandatory to take the hunk out of calories, which is suitable for diets in terms of calories. In addition, hunnap nuts form a condensed source of sugar, so you may need to remove these fruits from your diet lists. Moreover, hünnap vinegar, hünnap fruit juice, hünnap marmalade and hünnap honey are widely produced in many regions. Hünnap fruits can be eaten raw as a snack.
What are the Harms of Hunnap
Although it is not a problem for most people to eat hünnap fruit, it is considered inconvenient to use it in combination with such drugs as it may interact with anti-deprasan drugs. In addition, in a mouse experiment, it was concluded that the hunnap extract caused an increase in the effect of some seizure drugs, including phenytoin, carbamazepine and phenobarbiton. If you are taking any of these drugs, you should definitely consult your doctor before eating hünnap fruit.
If you wish, What Are the Benefits of Hunnap Vinegar, What Is It Useful, How to Drink It, Is It Useful in Slimming? you can also review our article on the subject.
Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/jujube